Bay of Quinte Fishing
Edge Pike By Tim
It happens to me frequently throughout the fishing season. I'm
gazing in the water with a pair of polarized sunglasses and I spot a
pike waiting in ambush in the green weedbeds. Unfortunately, once I
spot them they often spook but the frequency I see pike on weed
edges has made me appreciate the fish-holding appeal of these
underwater borderlines. If you're a fan of catching pike, weeds beds
are one of the best places to fish. Yet to refine your strategy even
further, focus on the edges of weeds. This vegetative line is deadly
for any size pike, but it's often the spot where the brutes hang
Why Pike Love Edges
In a word, advantage is what draws pike to weed edges. Hidden in the
lush vegetation, a pike can hide in the shadows and wait for prey to
enter the brighter lit area outside the weed edge. Once prey enters
the open area, the concealed pike strikes.
Pike also use edges as route ways to cruise weed beds looking for
food. A pike has the advantage when it successfully chases prey into
the open water areas outside of weeds. No longer able to hide in the
plant's protection, fish become an easy target for pike. These are
two key reason edges attract pike. To help narrow down your search,
here are some things to look for in weed-edge areas.

Types of Weed Edges
A weed edge is an area where the uniformity of the vegetation's
growth changes. Common weed edges are as follows. A distinct line in
the weeds caused growth stopping at a specific depth on a drop off.
These occur on major breaks on rivers and lakes. Islands and points
jetting out into deeper water are prime weed line drop off areas. No
matter where you find them though, they're definite pike haunts.
The shallower, shore side of a weedbed can also have a distinct
edge. Often caused by sand or rock that prevents weed growth, these
inside weed lines are good areas to work for pike, especially early
in the season or on overcast days.
the outside and inside edges of weedbeds other smaller edges exist.
The most common are cuts in weeds formed by a drop in depth or
pockets created by boulders or sunken logs interrupting weed growth.
Edge Baits
To work weed edges for pike some lures are better than others. Pike
love flash so bucktail spinnerbaits and inline spinners are prime
candidates. Large soft-plastic shad swimbaits are another great bait
for edges as the paddletail puts out plenty of thump to get a pike's
attention. Minnowbaits, jerkbaits and crankbaits all work well on
pike. Work these baits outside the edge to minimize foul ups.
Remember to fish these baits on stop-and-go or erratic retrieves. In
general terms, use slower-moving presentations in cold water
conditions or after a cold front. Warmer water and stable weather
conditions call for faster, more aggressive presentations.

Northern pike love the edges of weed lines. Remember to use leaders
to prevent bite offs from these toothy predators and opt for
heavy-power rods to battle big fish. After all, when you're working
a weed edge for pike, the possibility of a trophy always exists.
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