Ontario Bass Fishing

Feel Bass Bite using Jigs
By Lawrence Euteneier - Captain,
Blind Fishing Boat .Com
Fishing Bass may be as close to hunting as it gets due
to the visual connection often made with Bass prior to
their being caught, or not. The fact remains however, we
spend a lot of time and money selecting rods, reels and
lines that represent the latest in innovations developed
to enhance our sense of touch. This article will delve
into the finer points of using touch when fishing jigs
for Bass.
Jigs are one of the most efficient means of positioning
your lure close in to where fish are generally found,
and for fishers of Bass, the technique has evolved into
a wide variety of jig innovations and presentation
styles. No wonder then that many are uncertain or even
slightly intimidated about the many manifestations into
which this historic lure has evolved.
Given the simplistic design of jigs, it’s up to fishers
to impart action to the lure by jigging, dragging,
swimming, hopping or twitching the jig. The degree to
which action is imparted depends mostly on the mood of
the Bass; the more actively fish are feeding, the faster
one can move the jig and cover water. Jigs can also be
manipulated in ways that entice Bass that might
otherwise not be interested in striking, just as a cat
can be lured to attack a ball of yarn.
Fall Rate
Normally, Bass are most likely to bite during
the descent of a jig through the water column. Jig
weight, skirt bulkiness and trailer size all influence
fall rate. In clear warm water Bass are more likely to
hit on a rapid
where as in cold or murky water or following a severe
weather event, a slower descent to keep the jig in the
strike zone longer may be necessary.
To determine fall rate, start by letting out as much
line as your rod is long. Quickly drop your tip to the
surface of the water and count how long it takes before
you feel your jig reach the end of your line. Divide the
rod length by the time it took and you will have a good
approximation of how much your jig sinks per count.
Jig Weight
Determining the right jig weight requires
taking into consideration factors such as water clarity
and temperature, weight required to penetrate cover,
current and boat movement, and the mood of the Bass. As
with life, weight selection generally involves making
compromises. The jig should be substantial enough to
provide the fisher with both the resistance necessary to
properly impart action to the jig, and to serve as a
sounding device for discerning bottom structure. If
conditions are such that your jig is passing by fish
without their responding, then slow things down by going
lighter. However, if fish seem eager and willing, one
can always experiment with increasing jig weight to
reduce time taken to return your jig to the strike zone.
Tungsten weighted jigs excel at getting your
presentation into the strike zone quicker with less
weight, and for relaying tactile information to the
fisher. Their 50% smaller size compared with led jigs
means they can sink faster due to decreased water
resistance, which translates into less weight needed to
efficiently reach the strike zone, and a harder knock
upon contact with structure. The higher density of
Tungsten is also better at passing on distinct
vibrations to the fisher’s hand when the jig head
collides with different underwater objects.
Lift and Fall
Cast out your jig and allow it to sink to the
bottom before taking your reel off cast. This will avoid
the jig pendulumming back before coming to rest
providing better coverage and a more natural
presentation. A spinning outfit is best for fishing deep
water or light-weight presentations as the jig can
easily pull line from the open spool. With a baitcaster
you may want to pull line off the reel as the jig sinks,
or try finishing the cast with the rod in the 12 o’clock
position so you can follow the jig down with your rod
tip. Don’t feel awkward about stretching out your arms
to allow the jig to finish its descent naturally, or
even to bough to the jig to give that last couple feet.
It’s important to maintain light contact with the jig as
it descends in order to detect bites. Not with a taught
line as this will create an unnatural presentation, but
with a semi-slack line making occasional contact with
the jig to check for light takers, which will also
impart subtle twitches to the jig giving it a more
life-like appearance.
Retrieve the jig by raising the rod tip from
the 9: to 11: o’clock position, and then lower the rod
tip to follow the jig back to the bottom. Because the
jig is being pulled horizontally more than vertically at
the beginning of your retrieve, you won’t need to lower
the rod nearly as much as you raised it to follow the
jig’s descent. Once the jig comes to rest, drop your rod
tip back to 9: o’clock while Reeling up slack and
repeat. As you get closer to the end of the retrieve,
the amount the rod needs to be raised and lowered will
decrease as the jig begins moving vertically more than
horizontally due to the angle of your line with the
bottom increasing. 90% of your bites will come on the
Ripping Jigs
Snap, pop or ripping jigs for Bass is ideal for
fishing weed flats. It’s a technique intended to coax a
reaction bite rather than a feeding bite as it awakens
the Bass’s “cat-like” personality. Use jigs that are
slightly heavier than what you would use for a more
traditional lift and fall presentation. Jigs with a weed
guard and a pointed head with the eyelet near the front
are best as they will snag fewer weeds. A sharp rip will
often clear jigs of vegetation.
Cast out the jig and allow to sink to the desired depth.
Quickly rip the jig up and then allow to fall while
reeling in slack, and repeat. If you aren’t feeling the
jig contact weeds on occasion, you aren’t close enough
to the cover. Bites will come just as often on the rip
as the fall.
Swimming a Jig
Steadily retrieve the jig close in to cover
with occasional pauses to trigger strikes. If you are
getting too many weeds, either speed up your
presentation or go with a lighter jig. To slow the
retrieve, pump the rod while reeling, but don’t stop
reeling if a Bass starts to follow.
Always swim the jig above suspended Bass. IN rivers,
swim the jig down stream as Bass are generally pointed
up stream to intercept food. If a Bass has taken a swipe
at your jig but failed to grab hold, continue reeling
steadily without pausing.
Vertical jigging
Vertical jigging is ideal for covering large
stretches of deeper water with significant structure.
However, given that your jig is following the boat, it’s
not recommended in water where you can see bottom as the
bass will be spooked by the boat. A vertical
presentation reduces hang-ups as it’s possible to lift
the jig over structure rather than dragging the jig
through. Select a jig that is heavy enough to sink
vertically taking into consideration your drift rate or
any current. Once you have located significant
structure, keep up a steady lift and fall action so fish
don’t have a chance to examine your jig and conclude
it’s artificial.
Fishing Timber
Football jigs are designed to deflect off rocks
and timber while levering the hook point clear of the
snag. When fishing around timber spread the weed guard
out to each side. When you find your jig hanging on
submerged timber, before slowly reeling the jig up and
over, let it hang while imparting subtle action. It’s
often more than Bass can stand.
Bass staging around standing timber or brush piles are
known to grab hold of their pray and move off into more
open water before completing the task of positioning
their meal for swallowing. They want to be well clear of
cover and other Bass to avoid their pray taking cover or
being stolen should it temporarily slip their grip. When
a Bass bites your jig it’s therefore possible to apply
steady pressure and lead the bass away from structure
prior to setting the hook. The Bass will eventually
clamp down and resist which is your signal to set the
Dragging Bottom
Stand-up jigs are designed to land on bottom
with the hook bend in an up-right position. This serves
to present your trailer in a more life-like posture.
Football jigs are also well suited for dragging bottom.
When the jig encounters significant structure, use the
obstacle to impart a stationary rocking motion to
emulate pray in search of cover. Dragging jigs is also
an excellent means of searching out promising deep-water
Bass habitat.
Shaky Head
Ideal for pin-point fishing when you need that
little extra time to entice Bass to bite. Cast your jig
so it comes to rest on the bottom next to significant
structure. Impart the subtlest of action through a
semi-slack line by gently squeezing the handle of your
rod, which will also prevent your moving the jig out of
the strike zone. Lighter jigs and the need for a
vertical descent close-in to the targeted structure
means spinning gear in most cases.
Pitching / Flipping
A form of vertically presenting jigs in heavy
cover, this technique is probably responsible for more
tournament-clinching kickers than any other. Allow the
jig to sink vertically in and around heavy cover. Once
the jig has reached bottom, let it rest for a moment and
then impart several slight twitches before retrieving
the jig with a vertical ascent. The thicker the cover
the more vertical the presentation to avoid snagging
vegetation. Get to know exactly how the weight of your
jig feels and the time it takes to descend. Any
variation likely means a Bass has intercepted your
The next time you’re on the boat fishing jigs for Bass
make a conscious effort to expand your awareness to
include feedback from all your different senses. IN
short, pay attention to what you’re feeling.
I first learned of Carp fishing as a boy when
reading “The Art of Angling”, written by Tiny
Benet. Tiny was the outdoor columnist for the
Toronto Sun and had a passion for fishing Carp
from the Humbor River in central Toronto. Tiny
stated then that Carp represented the greatest
and most under-valued fishing resource Ontario
had to offer.
There’s no doubt the sport of Carp fishing is
growing in Ontario. The number of Carp that
inhabit Ontario waters is significant and offers
promise of a great future. What other fish
exists in Ontario that school in
numbers upwards of 1,000 and more, with each
weighing from 10lb to 40lb and beyond.
Anchors Up,
Captain Lawrence Euteneier