Doing Our
Part Canada, namely Ontario has some of the world's best fishing. There is no shortage of rivers, streams and lakes. The beauty of Canada's natural environment is second to none. We are truly in a class of our own! Being a good angler is a lot more than knowing how to catch fish. Part of being an angler is knowing the environment and how we as humans affect it. What we do can and will affect our fisheries in a positive or negative impact. Did you know that throwing an unwanted lead split shot in the lake can kill a fish or duck that will eat this lead ball of death? Probably one of the most common issues I see is smokers throwing their cigarette butts in the lake. What do you think happens to those butts? Do you think they just disappear? Well think again… The effects of a cigarette butt can be catastrophic on the environment. Sure the fishermen may feel that one butt isn't going to hurt anything but multiply that by thousands of fishermen that smoke and you will realize the potential harm this action can cause.
Now there is more to keeping out lands and waters clean than simply not throwing our own trash on the ground. We could also set an example for others around us. Use that garbage bag you took along with you to pickup whatever trash you see floating in the water or resting on the shore. Taking just a few minutes out of your day to pickup trash will give you years of enjoyment in fishing clean water where fish flourish. The lakes and rivers belong to the fish. It is their home, it is where they live, breath and reproduce. They have no way of cleaning our mess up so if we want to continue the great tradition of fishing it is up to us all to do our part.