Monster Pike Coolest of the Cool!!!! By Darren Andrew So you have always wanted to catch a monster Northern Pike and you don't live north of the 45th parallel or have the money for an expensive northern fly in trip? Now, I don't mean fish of 10 or 15 pounds. We are talking specimens approaching 20 or even 30 pounds or more! Yes, they are available to "southern anglers", but the quest isn't easy. True monster Northern Pike, in excess of 20 pounds, is, and always will be, very rare beasts in the southern latitudes. A 30 pound Pike is as rare or even rarer then a 50 pound Muskie. More so today with the conservation Muskies get that pike do not. The two main factors in growing massive northern pike are; seasonal water temperatures and available high protein forage. Large Pike 15 pounds and over are almost an exclusive cold-water fish. Large Pike literally stop growing when water temperatures start to push the high 60-degree and low 70 degrees mark. These large fish do not lose their teeth in summer as the "old wives tale" says, but either shutdown in activity if water temperatures are too high, or vacate to an area of cool water if available. Providing the cold water sanctuary holds species of high protein forage, such as lake Herring aka Ciscoes, Smelt or Whitefish then your chances of contacting truly huge Pike gets even better!
Fortunately, the Great Lakes, and other oligotrophic bodies of water in south central Ontario provide both a cold water sanctuary and the high protein forage base needed to produce these fish. Some trophy waters close to Southern Ontario are; - Lake Ontario and connecting waters, - Lake Huron - Georgian Bay and connecting waters - Finger Lakes - Upper Ottawa River - Muskoka Lakes Forage: Lake Herring, also known as Ciscoes, are the prime forage for trophy Pike, being soft rayed and high protein, these 10-16" fish make the premium forage for trophy Pike. The apple of a trophy pikes eye the Lake Herring Whitefish being the larger cousin to the Herring offer the truly massive Pike a larger a truly satisfying meal. Lake Trout, Splake and Brook Trout also fall under the same category as above. Smelt are also ideal forage, being high in protein and spring spawning as a bonus. Location Now how do you key in on the best times for these bodies of water? Remembering that these trophy specimens love cool water, you need to key in on the times when these scattered deep-water fish come shallow and concentrate, to maximize your chances of scoring your trophy. The spring cool water period is the easiest time followed by the cool water period of the fall. In the spring, large pike are drawn to the backwater shallows of larger oligotrophic lakes for spawning. Since all truly HUGE Pike are female, this is the prime time to key on these fish. The window is VERY narrow for when these monsters are available to the angler. Starting before ice out, prespawn trophy Pike move shallow, in anticipation of the spring spawn. She will only stay shallow long enough to drop her eggs, before warming water slowly starts pushing her back to her open water habitat. Once the water temperatures start pushing the mid to upper 60°F most of the truly huge specimens will be back to their open water existence. From opening day in early May to mid June the trophy hunter should concentrate on the largest backwater areas located close to main lake basin areas for spawning fish. Tip Small marshes and stream mouths connected to the Great Lakes are excellent and often overlooked spots. Many trout streams have estuary areas at their mouths that Pike use as spawning sites. These spots can sometimes be in the middle of developed areas but will still attract very large fish that live a pelagic open water existence for up to 50 weeks of the year. Presentation Depending upon local regulations, your trophy hunt may start on the prespawn ice or immediately after ice out. This is the time where dead bait and quick strike rigs excel. Six to ten inch dead Smelt, Herring or even Mackerel presented on 27 pound seven strand wire quick strike rigs excel for these lethargic fish.
Your local fish market is a great place to find whole fresh frozen baits such as Mackerel, Smelt and Herring. As the spawn progresses, and ends, the angler should concentrate his or her efforts for these Pike in backwater spawning bays and shallow water cover in these bays. Remember to keep an eye on your water temperature gauge, as warming water in protected sections of the bay will attract active fish as well. Necked down areas that funnel fish in and out of the bays are the prime spots to set your rigs. These fish can be very lethargic due to the combination of cold water and spawning trauma. Set rigs, whether they are presented with live or dead bait, are very effective presentations for these early season fish. Tackle should consist of medium heavy bait-cast gear coupled with line in the 20 to 30 pound test range. Super braids such as Fireline and Power Pro used with a slightly softer rod to help absorb shock are prefect for this type of fishing. The use of 12 to 24 inch leaders is not an option. I personally prefer 27 pound home made seven strand steel leaders, but high test fluorocarbon leaders will also provide protection from the razor sharp teeth. Couple them with quality 30 pound cross lock snaps and a quality ball bearing swivel and you have terminal tackle capable of taking on the biggest of Pike. Stick baits such as Rapala™ Husky Jerks, X-Raps, Lucky Craft Pointers™ and other stick baits that are able to provide a neutrally buoyant pause are extremely effective on semi lethargic cold water Pike. The ability of these baits to pause and suspend in front of a following Pike can be different from a day of follows to a successful day of hook ups. Swimbaits such as the Storm™ series of Wildeye swimbaits and others offer a subtle presentation that is ideal for spring fish. As the water warms and fish turn to more active baits such as larger spinnerbaits, spoons and bucktails as they become increasingly more effective. The combination of being able to cover water more quickly as well as the fish being more willing to chase a horizontal presentation combines to increase your odds. Tip Do not give up on an area that didn't produce in the morning, many times larger northerns will feed in the closer deep water areas and return to the relative shallows to warm up and digest their meal. I once caught a 24-pound northern that spewed out Smelt after I caught her in 2 feet of water. She had obviously had made a foraging trip out to deeper water and had returned to the shallows as the sun rose. As the water warms in spring, larger fish will work their way back to deeper water. The rock points that separate spawning coves from the deep cool water sanctuaries are probably the best spots of all to intercept a trophy. My personal best 48" 30-pound northern came from this exact set up, as the water was approaching the mid 50's. She was sitting in 10 feet of water, a casting distance from a 100 foot basin.
This spring, take the time to research these bodies of water, grab a hydrographic map and locate these spring spawning spots. Even in the right places giant Pike are still rare so you need to have patience and confidence in your game plan. Fish these spawning funnel areas with dead bait rigs and the transition areas with your lure of choice and the odds of you connecting with your long awaited trophy will dramatically increase. Remember to get that quick photo of her and release her for another lucky angler in the future. Trophy Pike are exceedingly rare in the southern areas and need to be treated as such! Good luck and good hunting!!!
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